C.M. Huddleston


C.M. Huddleston

C.M. Huddleston

Historical Fiction, African American Interest, Teen & Young Adult, Children's, Biographies & Memoirs, History

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  • Member Since

    Oct 2017

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    12 August

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As a child, Connie Huddleston loved history and dreamed about her future as an author. Somehow, she got sidetracked and became an Army wife, a mother, an elementary school teacher, an archaeologist, and an historic preservation consultant, all before publishing her first book! Now in 2021, she has published 16 volumes, all dealing with her first passion (don’t tell her husband and daughter) - our nation’s past. Connie has now won numerous book awards.

Connie writes adult and juvenile fiction under the name C.M. Huddleston and nonfiction history under her full name. Until recently, her time travel series written for middle grade to young adult readers occupied much of her thoughts-for there is so much to consider, like corn dogs time travel? She is currently working on an adult novel set in 19th century rural Kentucky.

After years of moving every three years of so, Connie now resides in a log cabin near Crab Orchard, Kentucky, with her husband, a retired Army officer, and their Australian Shepherd named Katie (who often time travels to far off meadows to chase deer). In early 2021, Connie added to their family - Gus (named for Augustus McCrae of Lonesome Dove fame) is half Bernese Mountain Dog and half Australian Shepherd. He chases everything!


CM Huddleston reads from her award winning book, Greg's First Adventure in Time

C.M. Huddleston Books

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